Stress Causes and Its Managment In Working Life; Students Life

'Stress' term has become too familiar for all now a days. Now, you must know the causes of stress and next need to go for its management. Whether you are a Student, a Teacher, a Businessman, or you are engaged in any kind of work, then the practice of work in your daily life creates a lot of tension, which contributes to the negativity of our personal life and makes our life miserable.

Stress Causes and Its Managment In Working Life; Students Life
Stress Causes and Its Managment In Working Life; Students Life

"Worry is the interest paid on the hardships you hide before the date" - William Inge

Stress Causes and Its Managment In Working Life; Students Life

In some places it is worn as a symbol of respect. Many people keep saying, "I have so much work that I am stressed." Such people expect others to be impressed by how much responsibility is entrusted to them. We often think that complaining about stress makes us appear important when we are actually bragging to our friends, stress is not really very productive or useful. Why do players get massages before a performance? So that can remain tense? No. In fact, research has shown that relaxed muscles are more powerful on the field of play than tense ones.

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Stress Causes and Its Managment In Working Life; Students Life

Stress Checklist

Choose a different approach to understand stress-

A situation is stressful when it automatically becomes more and more on our mind. Under stress, we become more irritable, less cooperative and withdrawn from others. The answer to this question is important in determining whether we can simply de-stress or not:

How much control do we really have over this problem? Often we can intelligently approach this in ways that we have some control over. After that we can leave it as it is.

Whether you are a working person or a student, you must have experienced that we are very restless and restless and worried about some situation some day. But after a day or two, you start feeling calmer and more positive. If we say that the state of affairs has not changed, then the only thing that has changed is our attitude. Don't forget that the factors that determine stress attitudes are both within and outside of our control.

Inefficient work habits that increase your stress

These habits increase your stress over time, if you are a student or an employee, who constantly ignores the work, then its stress definitely increases on you in the coming times. This includes some bad habits, such as-

  • Randomness
  • Always late
  • Procrastination
  • Lack of completion
  • Bear grudge
  • Resistance to change.

"The second half of a man's life is made up of the habits he has already formed." - Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Sources of Stress in Work Life

If you are a responsible person or a well-achieving student, you must have experienced that there are so many work stressors thrown at you every day that most people find it challenging to deal with them. We try to shoulder the burden of multiple tasks, responsibilities and expectations of others. We can do this by resorting to administrative discipline and flexibility. We try to maintain good work habits and consistent performance, but still feel the pressure of work-related stress, which includes:

  • Deadline
  • Crisis
  • Family-children or parents demands
  • Demands of customers, builders or employees
  • Restructuring relocation
  • Promotion has to go to another place
  • Restructuring relocation ther place, transfer

Video to get rid off overthinking and become stress-free 

"First we make our habits, then our habits make us." - John Dryden

What to Do? If You are in Stress

You are often a victim of anxiety with fatigue in your life. To counter that, you have to raise your energy and enthusiasm level. He suggests resting before you get tired, learning to be relaxed even while working or studying, being enthusiastic about your work, and not worrying about insomnia.

A good Work Habit to Prevent Anxiety and Stress is:

1. Remove all the papers from your desk except the papers related to immediate problems.

2. Do things in the order of their importance.

3. Solve problems as they arise

4. If we have the necessary facts to take a decision.

5. Learn to organize, delegate and supervise.

"Fatigue makes cowards of us all" - Vince Lombardi

Time Management to Reduce Stress

An important habit that reduces the stress that occurs during office work while studying is how useful or useless we use the time.

Compare your habits to these positive work habits.

1. Arrive early

2. Keeping A Daily Planner

3. Be Present

4. Avoid Procrastination

5. Setting Priorities

6. Protecting Your Personal Time

Reducing Stress From Management

Another important area of reducing our work stress is our ability to stay organized.

Which of these useful work habits do we use to help us organize our work?

  • Keep your policy simple
  • Giving up unnecessary activities
  • Writing things down making an agenda and following it
  • Completing old work before starting new work

"Happiness is not a matter of intensity; It is a matter of balance, order, rhythm and harmony"- Thomass Marten

Attitude Control to Reduce Stress:

Attitude control is our third chance to develop a new stress-free habit. When we take control of our attitude towards the tasks at hand, every aspect of our productivity improves. How many of these habits are included in our work habits?

  • Connecting with others and using their name
  • Letting things go
  • Hold the reins
  • Stay cool
  • Appreciate the uniqueness of other

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