
Showing posts from February, 2023

Poshan Scheme with NEP-2020 Ensures Students Health

Overview Under the PM Poshan Yojana in schools, along with the studies of the children , their health status will also be known every month. Schools will have to monitor the nutrition level of the students and also focus on over all development according to NEP-2020 by ensuring better nutritional diet for good health . The scheme covers the entire country, blocks and districts with poor nutritional status of children can also be easily identified. Because a complete account of the health of the child will be kept at every school , block and district level. Poshan Scheme with NEP-2020 Ensures Students Health PM Poshan Scheme with NEP-2020 Ensures  Students Health

Deworming Day Full Guide for Students

Worms are responsible for the major diseases of the stomach mostly in school age childrens. In children, worms or their eggs come in contact with hands by touching soil or surfaces. Which are very small to see. When children do not wash their hands properly, worms easily enter inside their bodies. When children eat food with infected hands, these worms are also swallowed and enter the stomach. To destroy these worms, anthelmintic medicines are used, which are the deals with  deworming process. Deworming Day is celebrated every year for the protection and awareness of the students from the personnel, which  complete information has been shared for you in this article . Deworming Day Full guide for School Students Commenly known worms include E. coli and Salmonella. These bacteria can cause severe gastrointestinal infections in students or children and these worms are commonly found in soil, from where children become easy prey. " Better Keep Yourself Clean and Bright ; Y...