Exam Day- Tips to Enhance Test Score

You study very diligently for days and then comes the exam day where you get a chance to show your hard work. Without any worry, you can easily increase your exam score by adopting the exam tips covered in this article to improve your exam day performance.

Exam Day- Tips to Enhance Test Score
Exam Day-Tips to Enhance Test Score for Students

Exam Day- Tips to Enhance Test Score

Table of Contents📑

1. At Home

2. Travelling for Exam

3. At Exam Centre

4. During Exam

5. Is Paper Difficult

6. Things Not to Do

1. At Home🏠

Preparation for the exam starts from home on the day of the exam. In which by taking care of some essential things, you can keep yourself worry free.

Getup on Time👀⏰

On the day of the exam, you should get up at the scheduled time & start your day positively, so that you do not have to rush. Some extra time should also be kept for each task and preparation so that there is no mistake in haste.

Take Sensible Food🍎

On the day of the examination, you need to eat healthy food. Food must contain liquids & carbohydrates. You should avoid junk and fast food during exam day. Enjoy a healthy meal.

Before Leaving for Exam🙋

Before leaving the house, keep all the things needed in the exam with you. You should wear comfortable dress and keep evrything ready that need on exam day.

2. Traveling for Exam🚵

You should know about your exam center in advance. To reach the exam center from home, you should choose the best available means and traffic free route so that you remain stress free before the exam. You must have some spare time.

3. At Exam Center🏢

Exam Day- Tips to Enhance Test Score
Exam Day- Students are at exam centre

  • You must reach the exam center by the scheduled time.
  • Keep your mind calm.
  • Ignore other students and people.
  • Stop worrying about how the paper will be.
  • Have faith in yourself.
  • Check your seating arrangement.
  • Retire yourself from the washroom.

Related Article👉 15 Revision Strategies for Students

4. During Exam📋✍️

Keep yourself positive and calm while sitting in your scheduled exam hall. Keep your body posture right. Exhale deeply 8 to 10 times or do mindfulness and feel yourself in a normal comfortable position.

Read the exam guidelines thoroughly. Before writing the answer read the paper thoroughly so that you can understand the type of paper and modify your strategy according to the paper.

Exam Day- Tips to Enhance Test Score
Exam Day- Tips to Enhance Test Score & Stress Free

Answer the easy questions first, then the less difficult questions and finally the difficult questions and try to answer the rest of the questions keeping in mind the time.

Make note of the question number while answering the question. Sometimes the sequence of question-answers changes in haste. Therefore, write the answer in the order of the prescribed question.

"Just believe in yourself. Even if you don't, Pretend that you do and, at some point, you will."  - Venus Williams

5. Is Paper Difficult?💬

Many times it is seen that if the student does not get the desired paper, then at the same time he becomes demotivated and gets stressed.

Exam Day-Tips-Enhance-Test-Score
Exam Day- Tips to Enhance Test Score

You should take time to solve the paper without getting nervous. Keeping faith in your hard work, even difficult papers should be solved well by putting your mind in every situation and should not be afraid of the difficulty level of the paper, just insist on solving it.

You must utilize entire exam time efficiently all the way.

Related Article👉 15 Revision Strategies for Students

6. What Should Never Do Before Exam Day?

1. Study new things or topic just before the exam.📚

2. Get disturbed by other students' approach study because it will make you feel low.💁🚸

Exam Day- Tips to Enhance Test Score
Exam Day- Don't compare with others, Believe in Yourself

3. Not having adequate sleep leads you to adverse effects on health and even your memorising capacity.💆

4. Not planning for exam.📝

5. Not eating properly or eating unhealthy foods.🍞

6. Using gadgets and social media.📵

7. Procrastinating things for exam.🙇

8.  Not keeping clam and over thinking.💭

9. Comparing preparation with friends.👬 

10. Taking planty of water/caffaine.🍵


The day of examination is very important for the students. From here you can conclude your efforts & get good results. If you implement things according to the above plan on the exam day and approach the exam with a positive attitude, then definitely you can get the maximum results of your hard work.

Wish you a good luck!👍

Watch👉Get Ready For Exam🎬

"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." - Arthur Ashe


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